(NC) Warmer weather marks the beginning of the growing season for local produce, but what if we could enjoy local fruits and vegetables all year round?
Thanks to local farmers using greenhouses to regulate temperature and produce summer-like conditions to extend the growing season, we no longer have to wait until spring and summer to enjoy the first local strawberries or juicy tomatoes. Greenhouse farming also provides us with local cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, mushrooms and much more throughout the year.
As it has a chance to ripen on the plant before being picked, local produce may also taste better. But like all produce, vegetables and fruit contain important vitamins and minerals we need in our diets to contribute to overall good health. As recommended by Canada’s Food Guide, we should aim to fill half our plates with fruits and vegetables.
Local is not just limited to the produce section. You can also find local seafood, meat, deli products and frozen foods from across Canada. Make sure to stop by the seafood counter to see what’s local, such as trout, salmon, scallops and more. The same goes with the butcher’s counter and fresh meat case.
With 450 Canadian farmers growing, keep a lookout for local produce at your nearby Loblaws and Your Independent Grocer locations. Not only will you find produce, seafood and meat marked as Canadian, but also by province and within 150 kilometres from your local store.