Regular South Dundas Council Meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, with exceptions made during holidays, and the months of July and August. In the months of July and August, Regular Council Meetings are held only once per month. Regular Council Meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.
May 7th & 21st, 2019
Presentation from Karen Franklin of the SDG County Library
Presentation from Tom Morrow of the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce
Presentation from EVB Engineering on the Ontario Street Project Overview
Official renaming of Canada Way to Cruickshank Way
Tender TS19-12 1 Granular A awarded to Cornwall Gravel Company
Tender TS19-12 2 Granular Stone Dust awarded to Cornwall Gravel Company
Tender TS19-12 3 Granular A Delivered awarded to Cornwall Gravel Company
Tender TS19-12 4 Topsoil awarded to Lloyd McMillan Equipment Ltd
You can view the complete meeting schedule for South Dundas Council, or request a delegation with council on the Municipal website at www.southdundas.com.
Regular Council Meetings are held at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers on the 3rd floor at the South Dundas Municipal Centre. All are welcome to attend!
The South Dundas Municipal Centre is located at 34 Ottawa Street in Morrisburg.