The Municipality of South Dundas is home to a thriving agriculture industry which boosts our local economy, and Seaway District High School is one of only 14 high schools in Ontario to offer a Specialist High Skills Major in Agriculture.
Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) let students focus on a career path that matches their skills and interests while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Students receive the SHSM seal on their diploma when they:
Complete a specific bundle of 8-10 courses in the student's selected field.
Earn valuable industry certifications including first aid and CPR qualifications.
Gain important skills on the job through cooperative education placement.
Specialist High Skills Majors are for Grade 11 and 12 students who are:
heading for apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace
Wanting to identify, explore and refine their career goals and make informed choices about their next steps after secondary school
Students have the opportunity to:
Gain important skills on the job with actual employers, at skills training centres and at school
Earn valuable industry certifications, including first aid and CPR qualifications
In addition to Agriculture, Seaway District High School also offers Specialist High Skills Majors in Construction and Transportation.
To find out what Specialist High Skills Major programs are available in 2018-2019, visit:
For more information about Specialist High Skills Majors, please visit ontario.ca/SHSM
Phone: 613-652-4878
Web: seaway.ucdsb.on.ca
Seaway District High School is located at 2 Beach Street in Iroquois, Ontario.