A Special Weather Statement is also in effect for Morrisburg and area.
Morrisburg will see increasing cloudiness with wind northwest 20 km/h becoming light this morning.
Expect wind from the east 20 km/h gusting to 40 km/h near noon.
High -9°C. Wind chill -27°C in the morning and -16°C in the afternoon. Risk of frostbite. UV index 1 or low.
Periods of snow. Risk of freezing rain before morning. Snowfall amount 5 to 10 cm. Wind east 20 km/h gusting to 40.
Temperature rising to -1°C by morning. Wind chill -17°C in the evening and -7°C overnight.
Periods of snow changing to periods of rain and ending late in the morning then mainly cloudy with 40 percent chance of rain showers.
Risk of freezing rain in the morning. Wind south 20 km/h. High 4°C.
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6-Day Weather Forecast [The Morrisburg News]