Intake for the 2019 Municipal Grants and Dollar for Dollar Funding Programs are now open.
Each year, the Municipality of South Dundas recognizes various organizations that benefit residents by offering an opportunity to request financial and in-kind grants and donations from the Municipality.
“Council looks forward to working with the many groups that provide valued volunteer contributions to our community,” says Mayor Steven Byvelds.
During the budget process, Council will determine the amount of funding that will be available for all municipal grants. The Municipal Grant Program categories are:
Community Organization Grants & Donations
In-Kind Contributions
Special Events
Community Events
Volunteer and non-profit groups can also apply for capital grant funding through the Dollar for Dollar Capital Funding Program that covers up to 50% for a community improvement project up to a maximum of $25,000.
“It’s very important that groups and organizations read the grant policies and criteria available on the municipal website to make sure they are eligible for these programs,” reminds Sarah McMillan, Deputy Treasurer.
The Municipality typically receives more requests for funding than can feasibly be accepted. Applications are reviewed, and decisions are made in a fair process designed to distribute funds across the municipality and provide modest levels of support.
Application forms are available on southdundas.com and are due by January 11, 2018 at 4:30 pm. Applications received after this date will not be considered.