Mainly sunny, high -4°C todayThe Morrisburg NewsFeb 28, 20191 min readThe weather in Morrisburg today will be mainly sunny with wind up to 15 km/h and a high of -4°C. With the wind chill it feels like -22°C this morning, and will feel more like -6°C this afternoon. UV index 3 or moderate.More6-Day Weather Forecast [The Morrisburg News]
The weather in Morrisburg today will be mainly sunny with wind up to 15 km/h and a high of -4°C. With the wind chill it feels like -22°C this morning, and will feel more like -6°C this afternoon. UV index 3 or moderate.More6-Day Weather Forecast [The Morrisburg News]
Break-ins to multiple boathouses in IroquoisSD&G OPP officers responded to a reported break in to multiple boathouses and boats on Boathouse Road in Iroquois at approximately 8:40...
19-year-old charged with breaching conditions of previous day releaseSD&G OPP officers responded to a disturbance on Fifth Street West in Morrisburg at approximately 12:42 PM on Thursday, June 20th, 2019....