IROQUOIS—South Dundas Fire & Emergency Services is hosting an All Hallows' Hoedown on Saturday, October 27th, 2018 at the Iroquois Civic Centre. Doors open at 8 p.m.
This "don't miss" country Halloween Party of 2018 is a licensed (19+) event featuring a costume contest and live music from Country Rocks Band, playing the latest and the greatest in Country Music, with a touch of Rock.
While this group of musicians have been friends for a long time, it was only in the summer of 2017 that the idea to play together was born. After a total of only two rehearsals, when they hit the stage for their first it was obvious that they were onto something. Four distinct voices all capable of singing the lead, blended together for some sweet sounds. The set list came together quickly and is constantly evolving.
Admission is $10. Tickets are available from any firefighter or Mustard's Variety in Iroquois.
This event is sponsored by the Iroquois Fire Fighters Association.
The Iroqouis Civic Centre is located at is located at 2 Dundas Street in Iroquois, Ontario.
