A structure fire destroyed a family home on Robertson Road in South Dundas last night.
South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services (SDFES) Director Cameron Morehouse tells The News that Morrisburg Station responded to a reported structure fire at 5073 Robertson Road at 11:47 p.m. on Thursday, January 17th, 2019. "Upon arrival, firefighters found the structure to be fully involved," he said.
Williamsburg Station was later dispatched at 11:54 p.m. to provide more manpower and water.
The family is safe. Two dogs were not able to escape. Two personal vehicles were also destroyed.
Morehouse said the fire is considered a "total loss." Currently, the cause is believed to be electrical in origin.
SDFES was at the scene until 4:22 a.m. Friday morning.
Robertson Road is located just north of Highway 401/Morrisburg, and east of County Road 31 in South Dundas.
According to Statistics Canada, electrical distribution was the second leading cause of structural loss in Ontario between 2012-2016.
South Dundas Fire & Emergency Services has a Facebook page that offers many tips on keeping fire safe (http://www.southdundas.com/SouthDundasFireEmergencyServices).
Robertson Road fire destroys Prevost home [Morrisburg Leader]