In order to raise awareness about cannabis and mitigate the risks its use can present for individuals, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit has created a "Cannabis Q&A" website where members of the public will find information about what cannabis is, the laws surrounding the substance, and the effects it can have on your health.
The new website can be found at eohu.ca/cannabis.
EOHU Cannabis Forum for Parents
In October 2018 the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), in collaboration with community partners, presents a series of forums for parents in eastern Ontario on the new Cannabis Act law (which came into effect on October 17th, 2018) and what it means for our youth.
The forums consisted of a presentation by the EOHU, a community partner panel, as well as a question and answer period.
Topics included:
General cannabis information
Effects on physical and mental health
Regional statistics on cannabis use
Legalization: what is and isn't permitted
Talking to your teen about cannabis
For the complete schedule of forums, go to eohu.ca/cannabis.