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South Dundas undertakes Youth Engagement Survey

[South Dundas Youth Engagement Intern Kaeghan Lowson.]

Youth play a very important role in how South Dundas functions. Whether it’s working at local businesses during high school, volunteering Saturday mornings at the Iroquois Soccer Fields, or being constant consumers at locations such as the Docksyde.

A technological new era is commencing, leading to changes in how society operates.

Alongside the world, South Dundas is also changing. It’s no secret that South Dundas is an aging community. Professionals will be approaching retirement age, which means that South Dundas will soon be undergoing a culture shift as the new generation grows older and starts

filling open roles throughout the Municipality.

However, there is one question that must be asked; how are the youth going to take on these roles in the community if there are no youth interested in filling them?

The Municipality of South Dundas wants to seek out the opinions and views of youth ages 15-29 on these matters, to get a perspective from youth living in the area. On June 13th, 2019, a survey will be open to all youth in South Dundas to complete, with questions focusing on improving civic engagement as well as living in South Dundas.

”This survey is a very important part of the South Dundas youth engagement project,” said Rob Hunter, Economic Development Officer. “We want youth in the community to take part and share with us their important feedback that will help us improve our youth engagement efforts in the community.”

The survey link will be available on the South Dundas Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, and Paper copies will be available at the South Dundas Municipal Office and SDG County Library branches in South Dundas.

For any questions regarding the survey, contact Kaeghan Lowson at 613-543-2673 or

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